MARCH 2019

Hey everyone!

This month I’ve been hard at work with the rest of my company for our Extended Combat Training (ECT). We’re under 60 days away from our mobilization, and this month put us in on a great path towards success.

conducting one of the rotations of training at the MSTC.

Over the course of our ECT, we conducted weapons qualifications, individual first aid kit (IFAK) Training, basic aid courses, and advanced drivers training courses. We also set up our TACSOP, honing in on the Route Clearance Craft.

End of the day; SGT Valadez proudly displays his MMPV at the conclusion of training.

A large portion of this training was jumping on to the Virtual Combat Training Systems (VCTS) trailers, which help create scenarios for our packages and give our Soldiers more time to practice their battle drills, and further develop their communication skills with the Command Post (CP).

night missions

Our biggest money maker was actually getting in the vehicles, and taking them out on the lanes.

ready to roll: 2 route clearance packages lined up for full dress rehearsal.

Our command team went out to oversee training, and we were so impressed with the amount of improvement our Soldiers have accomplished! I’m very proud to say that the company leaving our ECT isn’t the same that arrived at the beginning of the month. I’m looking forward to the next chapter of this company and what lies ahead.


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